Planning a Secure Retirement

With Benefit Solutions Group
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About Us

We started Benefit Solutions Group because we wanted to make sure people just like you were being well taken care of, and we value the trust our clients place in us.

We’ve found our clients appreciate the fact we genuinely care about their welfare and well-being, and we actually take the time to uniquely understand their wants and needs, and tailor a personalized solution to help bring that to pass.

Brock Spurlock

My name is Brock Spurlock.  For nearly a decade, I’ve been helping individuals and families plan for a more secure retirement.  Years ago my grandmother, Nadine Spurlock, told me, “Sometimes you don’t need to know why.  Sometimes you just need to know someone who knows why.”  I’ve made it my mission to know WHY when it comes to retirement planning.  Whether you’re just getting started, or nearing the age when retirement is right around the corner, it’s important you ask the right questions.

I’ve surrounded myself with an experienced team of CPAs and financial professionals who can help you not only get the answers to your questions you’re asking, they can help answer the questions you perhaps didn’t know you should be asking.  We want to understand your WHY so we can bring our expertise to help you make your WHY happen.


[email protected]


308 W South St
Benton, AR 72015

Insurance License

NPN# 8190428 


Tim Gardner


[email protected]
NPN# 4633418

Allen P Hargis

Certified Public Accountant

[email protected]


Allen Hargis CPA

Grace Global Alliance

News & Resources

Insurance 101

Insurance 101

by When the kids are out of the house and retirement is either on the horizon or has arrived, many people think about downsizing. Whether or not that’s true for you, it’s important to recognize that when you retire your accumulated wealth is...

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Are You Saving Enough?

Are You Saving Enough?

Find out when — and how — to retire the way you want by AARP The AARP Retirement Calculator can provide you with a personalized snapshot of what your financial future might look like. Simply answer a few questions about your household status, salary and...

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6 Surprising Facts About Retirement

6 Surprising Facts About Retirement

BY DANIEL KURT  Updated Oct 13, 2018 Americans are living longer than ever before, resulting in lengthy retirements. But if you assume most people are saving more in order to prepare for their long-term needs, you’d be mistaken. Here are some of...

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The ABC’s of Teacher Retirement

Click Here or image to download PowerPoint presentation.



Protecting you today and your love ones tomorrow.



Retirement Income Plans are not just for the wealthy. As you plan to retire, the traditional method has been to move growth products into more conservative fixed-income products. When retirement was only expected to last 5 to 10 years, this may have worked. Today, however, people are living longer. You should consider that you may need to plan for your nest egg to last 25 to 30 years.


Life insurance isn’t for those who have died, it’s for those left behind. When shopping for life insurance, consider the needs for replacing income to maintain a standard of living, pay for funeral costs, and estate costs. How much does one need? A rule of thumb between 5 – 7 times the gross annual income. Life insurance comes in two types: Term and Permanent. Which one is right for you? We can help to determine the right choice.

Proceeds from a life insurance policy are paid at death to the named beneficiary. These proceeds are typically free of federal income tax. In recent years, some life insurance policies sold may include a “living benefits” provision that allow a named insured to access a portion of the death benefit prior to death to pay for chronic, critical or terminal illness.


“Times are changing…” It may be an old Bob Dylan song, but it is so true today. Time can be used to your advantage when investing for wealth accumulation. Having your assets diversified in the right products and allocations during these uncertain times will not only build and protect your wealth, but provide peace of mind. After all, the last thing you want to do is lose wealth during the next market correction.


Outliving their income remains the biggest fear retirees have. Thanks to advanced medical technology, prescription drugs; and even for some a healthy diet and exercise, people are living longer than ever before – creating more of a reason to have a plan in place to create income designed to last a lifetime.

Understanding an investment loss in the years just prior to and/or just after you retire can have a devastating impact on the level of income you receive during your retirement. In fact, the earlier a loss occurs, the greater the chance of depleting your retirement savings.

We can help you create an income plan using income vehicles and incorporating insurance to create opportunities for long-term growth as well as a stream of income to last throughout your retirement.


Today’s asset protection calls for more than just strategic asset protection. Product allocation (using instruments that can protect your portfolio from negative returns early in retirement) is considered a more effective means of asset protection. Diversifying using insurance and investment vehicles may offer you the best chance of meeting your retirement income goals.


When you retire or even change jobs, there are 4 things you can do with your money in your employer-sponsored plans:

  • Leave your money where it is.
  • Transfer the money to another employment plan (if allowable)
  • Roll the money over into an IRA
  • Take the cash (pay income taxes and perhaps 10% federal penalty if younger than age 59 ½ )

Rolling over from one qualified plan to another qualified plan allows your money to continue growing tax-deferred until you receive a distribution in retirement. We can help you determine if a rollover is the right move for you, and we can help find the best vehicle to help grow and conserve your rollover.


IRA Accounts have become one of the largest types of assets inherited by beneficiaries. Many retirees don’t plan on using all of these assets, most take only the (RMD) leaving a taxable inheritance. You may wish to consider a legacy planning strategy to reduce taxes and increase the payout your beneficiaries will inherit. We can help to determine if IRA Legacy Planning is the best means for ensuring a long lasting inheritance.


According to the Department of Health and Human Services*, 7 in 10 individuals 65 and older will experience a long-term care event prior to death. 3 Million Americans are being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in the United States each year.** A national median annual cost of a private room in a nursing home is $100,375.***

Many of the costs associated with long-term care are not covered by traditional health insurance or Medicare. Long-term care can be administered in a home setting, or in a community setting such as an Adult Day Care Center, Assisted Living Facility, Continuing Care Retirement Community, Nursing Home or Memory Care Unit.

Long-term care insurance can provide a funding source to pay for these types of services, so other retirement income sources may remain in place for a non-impacted spouse. LTC insurance can also help to avoid an asset spend-down, allowing generational wealth to be passed on to a family’s heirs.

** SOURCE: Alzheimer’s Association 2017 Facts and Figures Study
*** SOURCE: Genworth Cost of Care Survey 2018

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Please reach out and we get back to you.

Brock Spurlock

308 W South St
Benton, AR 72015

NPN# 8190428